Build and deploy on Bitcoin with Fractal, within 30 minutes.



Every Fractal instance has self-replicating consistency with Bitcoin consensus. Any Fractal transactions/hashes can be traced back to the source on the Bitcoin chain, without the risks of forks or shards involved.


Fractal enables plug-and-play continuity. Recursive scaling of Bitcoin Core code itself without any foreign constructs enables native support of current infrastructure, such as wallets.


Fractal is fully supported by the robust infrastructure and technical support of the Unisat team. With over 1B monthly API calls and the top service providers as users, developing on the stack is quick and easy.

Consensus mechanism

Fractal’s consensus mechanism is Proof-of-Work — consistent with Bitcoin. Miners can use existing ASICs, GPUs, and other hardware devices to mine blocks.

Fractal uses an innovative mining method called Cadence Mining to balance the benefits of merged mining and permissionless mining.

For every three mined blocks, two blocks will be permissionlessly-mined, while one block will be merged-mined.

This preserves the permissionless, freely-available mining opportunities for the Fractal community, while tapping into the impressive security of the Bitcoin main chain through merged mining at the same time.

Asset bridging on Fractal

As a natively-scaled solution, Fractal can enable secure asset transfers across various layers, starting from the Bitcoin main chain.

Bitcoin, and assets such as BRC-20 and Ordinals, can be bridged via non-centralized bridges. The underlying mechanism is a rotating MPC signature mechanism with dynamic substitution, taking into account specific aspects of the BRC-20 standard.

Fractal Features: Overview

BTC compatibility: Fully compatible (recursive instances of Bitcoin Core Software)

Consensus: Proof of Work (standard SHA256d)

Mining: Cadence Mining (2/3 permissionless-mined + 1/3 merge-mined)

Block time: Every 30 seconds

Native token: FB

BRC-20 / Ordinals: 100% standard compatible

Address format: Bitcoin Address Format

Stablecoin: BRC-20 Stablecoins

Wrapped Bitcoin: Wrapped BRC-20

TPS: 120+ per instance

Ecosystem: Naturally inherited bitcoin protocols and toolsets

Fractal Assets

Download the Fractal logos for use in materials with the link below.

Please inform us when you use the logo. We would be happy to review and amplify announcements accordingly. Where possible, please attribute the Fractal site.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

The philosophy of Fractal Bitcoin

“The Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things.”

— Laozi, "Tao Te Ching"

The Zen of Fractal Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a blockchain. It evolves into a system with time.

Fractal only extends, not forking away from the Bitcoin paradigm.

Maintaining consistency with the mainnet is what matters.

Virtualization is not just a metaphor; it's the practical method.

Fractal Bitcoin powers conventions, not contentions.

Faster transactions save time and create progression.

If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

Always balance the load between the Bitcoin mainnet and any Fractal instance.

Real-world transactions are on par with high-level financial constructs.

Learn more about Fractal Bitcoin